A Mummy Body is a Beautiful Thing!

I dedicate this post to all the gorgeous Mama’s out there. Because we are awesome. Our bodies create little people and our new Mummy bodies should be celebrated no matter what shape or size we become. Our bodies will never be the same as they were prior to having children but that’s ok. We are warriors. We have sacrificed ourselves for the miracle that is child bearing and we should embrace our new body with pride. 

(Related: The truth behind the adage “You will never know until you become a parent yourself”…)

We all know that having children drastically changes us physically and emotionally. I lovingly call my body The Geriatric Hulkinator Mummy Body. All those in the Mummy club are well versed with all the fantastic (NOT!) changes in our bodies which are considered “normal” during and after giving birth. For example:

Stretch Marks

Now I’m all for wearing your tiger stripes with pride because face it – we are pretty freaking awesome for creating a human being in our fantastical bodies! But I do have one complaint about these silver/red/purple lines – oh sweet baby jeebus they are so damn itchy when they are forming!!

Hormonal Afflictions

Well this one makes a lot of sense, with all those hormones flying around during and after pregnancy it’s bound to affect our little bodies somehow – but geez they can really punch you in the proverbial gonads! Mood swings, emotional outbursts, baby brain (yes it’s a thing!), hair falling out, hair growing in weird places (so I’ve heard…), pimples, sensitive skin, excessive sweating…I mean if popping a freaking human out of our hoohah wasn’t enough, we also have to go through months of feeling like an alien in our own bodies!

(Related: Yes People – Baby Brain is a Thing)

Do I look hairy in this?

Do I look hairy in this?

Night Sweats

Oh the night sweats! Pre-babies I hardly ever sweat. I could go cray cray at the gym and you would not see one bead of sweat on my forehead. But after having kids – the night sweats are freaking ridiculous! I was so concerned I went to the Doctor and asked him WTF was happening to me! I got the “Oh that is quite normal” speech. Ummm no buddy – it’s not freaking normal to wake up with a start because you feel like you are on fire and could quite possibly fill an Olympic pool with your night sweats! Ok slight exaggeration – but if those night sweats are anything to go buy, I am reallllly not looking forward to menopause!

Skin Sensitivity/Allergies

This one sucks big time. I’ve always had sensitive skin and had to be careful about what products I use on my body, but after having kids I’m lucky I’m not allergic to water! With each pregnancy my skin allergies have gotten worse and I am now unable to use most makeup/beauty products, have to be really careful what body washes and shampoos I use otherwise I end up blowing up like the Hulk! I must now walk this earth make up free and scaring the bejesus out of my fellow man.

And those laser/waxing/hair colouring/nail appointments I religiously put myself through prior to having children are a thing of the past. They all bring on my inner Hulk and that’s scarier than my Zombie Makeup Free self!

Hair Loss 

I heard that after giving birth Mama’s experience ‘a little’ hair loss which was nothing to worry about. Pfftt. What absolute hog wash! After my first pregnancy I was rocking THE SEXIEST bald patches. I looked like a balding baby bird. I lost about 70% of my hair. I was rocking a comb over. Enough said.

Then there were the not so normal physical changes that occurred that were the final touches of my transformation from late 20’s to geriatric.

Is this comb over too much?

Is this comb over too much?


Anyone else ended up with this after pregnancy? Those who have experienced it know that it is a tad painful, can limit movement at times and sometimes it’s bad enough that you have to give up your dream of being a marathon runner (not that I could run before the Sacroiliitis).

So after two babies and 5 years of motherhood my Mummy Body is a far cry from what it used it be. I’m a limping, pleasantly plump, squishy, balding baby bird who on occasion turns into the Hulk when vanity wins and I stupidly apply some mascara, and sometimes I feel like I’m 80 (especially when my 5 month old can move faster than I can).

BUT it is all so worth it. I may have come out of it scarred and slightly wounded, but I am damn proud that despite being told I most likely would never have children, I brought two healthy baby boys into this world. So what if I’m a little squishy – my boys find comfort and safety in my squishy pillowy embrace. Who cares if I limp in pain after a day out with my family – at least I can still move around enough to enjoy my boys.

I’m not going to lie, there are times I miss my pre-baby body, but then I realise that what I used to worry about then doesn’t bother me anymore. I find strength in the fact that I now know what my body is capable of, it’s strength, it’s reliability, it’s courage. I’m proud of my Geriatric Hulkinator Mummy Body.

What are you most proud of?

Jessica -xo- 


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41 thoughts on “A Mummy Body is a Beautiful Thing!

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Exactly! That’s what bras are made for – to hold our ladies up once they’ve been through the wringer that is breastfeeding! Breastfeeding three babies is definitely something to be super proud of! x


  1. Tin Box Traveller says:

    Eight weeks after having baby #2 I have my on and off days with my mummy body. Some days I feel great about it and others I feel frumpy. However, I’m gradually getting over it and actually learning to love my tiger stripes. I had terrible night sweat last time but not so far this time. I do however hum like a horse during the day! Hormones – blah! #sharewithme

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      That’s perfectly normal I think. After my first baby I mourned the loss of my skinnier, fitter body, but about 4 years after I started really appreciating my new body…and then I fell pregnant again! Haha But after baby number too, I realised I was over the loss and was just damn proud I was able to pop out two babies! Lol I’m happy to hear you don’t have the night sweats this time – they are horrible! x


    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Hahaha! Yes it is quite uncomfortable but I understand what you mean about missing the bump. It’s definitely a tough journey but it’s funny how we forget that as soon as the little one is in our arms – maybe not so much forget but it suddenly feels so worth it. 🙂 x


    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Oh I’m with you on that one! I had so much hair before I started having children – so much so that I didn’t think being bald would be possible! Boy was I wrong. And my hair went from being silky and straight to super curly! :/


  2. Helen Porter says:

    I am five months post baby of my third and do you know now I don’t even remember what it looked like before I have ups and downs with it but I am trying to get back in shape and I am already two stone down …. the hardest part for me is all the aches and pains I didn’t have before great post x #picknmixfriday

    Liked by 1 person

  3. acornishmum says:

    Arghh I remember the hair loss well, I had two little bald patches near my hairline and I hated them, took years to get any hair back there and it’s still shorter by far than the rest of my hair – but my boys are worth it and a lot more 🙂

    Stevie x #PicknMix Fridays

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Oh it is the worst when the hair falls out at the hairline – especially when the little ones use your hair as a comfort thing and are constantly pulling at it! I had an extended forehead for ages after my first! 😀 But you are right – our boys are definitely worth it. x


  4. Eimear says:

    I wish I was as positive as you about my post baby body, funny I only posted today about my journey to embracing it in the face of all the pressure from the media and myself really! I’ll get there, someday ill be 100% proud of my body!

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Eimear I am not going to lie, it took me a long time to be positive about my post baby body – especially considering what a drastic change there was from before. At first it was the fact that my size 6 body was non existent and I mourned that loss for a long time. Then I became more frustrated with the fact that I was so sick for years after giving birth and I mourned the loss of a healthy pain free body. But after my second bubba it was different – that’s when I was proud that despite my body being much more fragile after my first pregnancy – I was still able to carry my second little boy to full term (he was overdue!). You are right though, it is so hard to get to that point when media constantly bombards you with what is considered the “perfect” body. You will get there though – it will take time but you will get there. I will pop over to read your post. Jess xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Holly says:

    Night sweats? Eek… That I am glad I missed and so far my hair hasn’t started falling out in clumps like last time but my stomach is a bit worse for wear 4 weeks after baby 2. Ahh well… It’s ok because it was my daughters’ home and so worth it. I’m proud just to be their mum, and whatever body changes happened are fine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mummyandmonkeys says:

    Oh yes to these, I’m currently sporting a tufty hair look all round my hairline where it is growing back. I had really bad night sweats this time, I would wake up soaked, gross! Thanks so much for linking up to #PickNMix

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      My pleasure! It’s been great finding new blogs to follow via #PicknMix 😀

      Oh those weird tufts that grow back on your hairline when the hair falls out! Mine are growing back unruly and for the life of me nothing can tame them! I could spray a whole can of hairspray on them and they will not flatten! Looks like thats a sign that we are part of the Mummy Club – strange hairlines! 😀

      Oh isn’t it horrible having night sweats. Thank goodness they get better over time. I hope yours are well and truly gone now! 😀


    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Wow Rachel you have a Supermum Body there! Definitely something to be proud of! Your 3 beautiful babies are so worth it. I think that’s the thing all Mum’s need to recognise – pregnancy will change our bodies forever – some bounce back faster than others, but either way, all our bodies have done a wonderful thing. It’s always worth it. 😀


  7. Jenny @ Let's Talk Mommy says:

    Great post and we can all relate here as a mothers. My two did a good number on me too and these days chasing two tots the hair doesn’t get washed and I usually throw on the clothes that’s closest to me instead of nice outfits unless I am traveling. lol I really need to start thinking about me again and taking care of myself. But at the end of the day having fun and making memories with my children is better than worrying about what I look like. Its all relative isn’t it? Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Thank you for having me at #sharewithme 😀 Yes gone are the days when I would worry about matching my outfit, shoes and accessories! Now all I worry about is that my clothes are clean and tidy and then I’m out the door and ready to tackle the day ahead! I much rather spend my time hanging out with the kids and creating memories. I think as they get older we will be able to take more care of ourselves, but for now, it’s great to be present – I never want to miss a thing! 😀


  8. Everything Mummy says:

    my body definitely isn’t what it once was my sensitive skin has also gotten way worse since I had my girls but I am happy in my own skin being healthy and happy are the most important things and thanks for linking up to #sundaystars

    Liked by 1 person

    • mamasvidaloca says:

      Thank you for having me at #sundaystars 😀 It must be a hormonal thing because I know many Mummy’s who’s sensitive skin has worsened after giving birth! At the moment I am unable to wear makeup but honestly I couldn’t care less – much to busy with my two active little men! 😉 To being healthy and happy! x


  9. Heledd - Running in Lavender says:

    I LOVE this post!!! After carrying and giving birth to two baby girls (then breast feeding both), I can tell you that my body is not the same. I husband has actually asked me “where have your boobs gone?” – charming!! In all fairness, they were never that big in the first place, so I know that’s not why he’s with me ; )

    Thank you so much of linking up to #SundayStars xx

    Liked by 1 person

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